Lubuntu: Show Application Menu in Openbox Environment

Light weight ubuntu destribution, Lubuntu. Have you ever given up using Openbox because there has been no menu contain applications? Here, I write the way to generate application menu in Openbox menu.


  • Lubuntu 15.10


インストールしたばかりの Lubuntu で ウインドウマネージャ を Openbox にすると、 右クリックメニューには次のアイテムが表示されているはずです。

  • Terminal emulator
  • Web browser
  • Desktops
  • ObConf
  • Reconfigure
  • Restart
  • Exit

Open terminal, and execute the following command.

And open right-click menu and click “Reconfigure”.

Then, you can see the menu item, “Debian”. There’s the sub-menu “Applications” in “Debian”, and application items which is seen in the menus in desktop environment like LXDE are in there.