How to Get Shoutcast Station List

Here’s some way to get Shoutcast station list.


The way to get station list written in here is the ways I detected from javascript code. So it is not supported by, I think.

Station Format

First, let’s confirm station data structure. Response from Shoutcast is in the following JSON format.

There are 10 attributes. The most important attribute is “ID”. The station url can be generated in the following format.

“IsPlaying” attribute shows whether we can hear it now. Yes, of course it is important.

Get Station List in a Genre

You can get station list of a specific genre by http post request as follows.

Send post request to shoutcast with the following parameter.

  • genrename

Search Stations by Keyword

Send post request to shoutcast with the following parameter.

  • query

Search Stations by Detailed Condition

Send request to shoutcast with the following parameters.

  • genre
  • station
  • type
  • artist
  • song

If you don’t use some parameter, set the parameter empty, like -F "genre=".

The above request examples use http url, but https url also works.