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Palmistry – Fate Line

Fate Line

A vertical line running up the center of the palm from the wrist. It expressed the person’s overall fortunes in life, as well as their degree of maturity.

If the Fate Line runs straight from the wrist to the root of the middle finger.

It means you are the possessor of powerful luck that will lead you to success in any line of work. But you aren’t happy unless you do everything yourself, and thus can be dictatorial. Watch out, because being too self-centered can leave you completely isolated.

Woman with this type of line hace such strong fortune that they may concentrate more on work than marriage, and end up marrying late.

If the Fate Line extends from the ring finger to the middle finger.

you have powerful luck in attracting people, and are made much of by the people around you. Make a lot of contacts, use them well, and you can be quite successful. If you take care to preserve harmony in your relationships, your luck will grow even stronger.

Entertainers and entrepreneurs with this line hace an additional weapon for developing beyond their wildest dreams.

If the Fate Line extends from the thumb toward the middle finger.

You have grown up surrounded by familial love. Even after becoming an adult you’ve no doubt had support from your oarents, and will probably inherit what they have. But if you are too dependent upon them, you’ll never attain psychological independence, so it is important to nurture a sense of autonomy.

If the Fate Line extends along the Life Line and stops below the middle finger.

You are type of person who can make their own luck. Your passion to charge ahead after your goals gives you the power to win through, no matter what the obstacles. When young you stand tough in the face of whatever hardships you encounter, and from middle age you are likely to achieve the kind of position and fame that anyone would envy.

If there is a short line paralleling this one, it signifies that a powerful collaborator will appear in your life.

Palmistry – Head Line

Head Line

This line runs from between the thumb and index finger toward the center of tha palm. Ti express the person’s intelligence and willpower.

If the Head Line runs perfectly straight.

So does your thinking, and you hate leaving things vague. You’re not at the mercy of your emotions, and think things through logically. Yet at the same time you are not a cold person. You have an unexpectedly sunny side, and are loved and trusted by the people around you.

If the Head Line is not straight, but curved.

If the curve is a large one you are probably a delicate type. You like art and literature. Your thinking is flexible, and rich in sensitivity. You’re a romantic.

People with a gentle rather than large curve are a bit more pragmatic. They are characteristically at home in either the sciences or the humanities. Many Japanese have this type of line.

If the Head Line divides into two or three lines.

You have the type of brain that can handle a variety of different situations.You have an exceptional ability to harmonize with others, and rather than act alone, you’ll really display your talents int the midst of a group.

People with a Head Line that divides into more than three parts are truly multitalented, and blessed with skills for public speaking, performance, and being entertainers.

If the Head Line is short.

The Head Line is not an expression of intelligence. Rather, it indicates how you use your head. People with short Head Lines are active and positive about everything. They are good at idea work. Yet they are inclined to engage with their work only when inspired, and get frustrated and angry before they have a chance to show their smartness.