困ったときはこれ! 『PHP逆引きクイックリファレンス』


最近ではインターネットで調べるという手もありますし、最新情報を手に入れるならそれもいいかもしれません。 でも、こういった本の使い道がなくなったわけではないのです。



私の場合は、困ったときに使っています。これどうやってやるんだ~? となったときに、やっぱりあると便利ですよね。 PHP、はじめたばかりなんで。ノーマルな使い方ではありますが。



プログラムを1回でも作ったことのある人で、Apache のインストールができる人なら大丈夫だと思います。でも、今なら マイクロソフトのWPIインストーラを使って全部一気にインストールできますよね。IISでも、WPIを使ってPHPをインストールすれば動きます。実際にやりました。PHP から SQLServer につなぐのも簡単ですね。

変数などの基本的なことは Chapter 1 に書いてあるので心配ないです。Chapter 20 には、Apache の設定についても記述があります。

The LDP prepares for Internet Election

The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan contracts with VerySign about EV SSL. EV SSL is one type of SSL, Extended Validation Secure Sockets Layer certificate, that reveals not only SSL but also the owner of websites is definitely exist and confirmed by SSL venders. On the other hand, SSL is assure only encryption.

Now, the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan got an EV SSL certification by VerySign. It means that the LDP preparing for internet election, which will be held some day in Japan.

But internet election still has problems. Accurate identification, high security, transmitting and handling and storing data, etc.

Where did the charity go?

At the top page of today’s Mainichi news paper, a survey conducted by Mainichi newspaper company says the ratio of people who don’t feel things become better is 35%. 44% of people who live in shelter, and 19% who live in their house.

EGASHIRA prevent victims from suffering

Now, where did charity go? It has not been to stricken area, yet. As an assembly member, Masako Mori indicated at House of Councillors session in May 16, most of charity has not given to victims. The government doesn’t give helpful goods, which is gathered by many people, to victims. Also in , the government didn’t destinate 1.9 million batteries, which were given by battery companies for free. Victems are not helped by the government, but people like Mr. Egashira, who send helpful goods by himself using a track on March 20, 2011, help victims.

A Life Summary of an Gypsy