All posts by Kenji


VOYAGE GROUP に行った、というより、DevLove のセミナーに行ったというのが正しいのですが、場所が VOYAGE GROUP だったんです。


Geekly もそうなんですが、会議室の名前からしておしゃれです。DevLove が行われた会議室の名前は「パンゲア」でした。


Comparing to Germany, Japan is 4 times better than Germany

Daily life in Germany written by a woman who live for 30 years in Germany

Japan is 4 times better than Germeny

I found this at the book store and I read it.

I found many things what I didn’t know.

  • Except Japan, there’s no country having delivery service that can send wherever on appointed time.
  • Japan has bad image than it really is, and other countries has good image than the reality is
  • It is normal in Germeny that trains arrives delay from schedule.
  • There’s a system that power company buy electric power generated by home solar panel, but results in increase of electric power fee because the cost is too high.
  • It is strange to use paid holiday for absence by illness.

This book telling about Germany is valuable for me because I haven’t been to Germany, and I read it really interestingly. And with this book, Japanese people can rethink about own country’s advantage.

Daily life in Germany written by a woman who live in Germany for 30 years

Japan is 4 times better than Germeny