Tag Archives: Proof

(日本語) 互いに素なピタゴラス数が無限に存在することの証明

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Proof: Heron’s Formula

Here’s the proof of Heron’s formula.

Continue reading Proof: Heron’s Formula

Calculate Circle Area – Why is it πr2 ?

I will explain why the area of circle is πr2 ( r is its radius ) . (使っている図が悪いので後日差し替えます。)

掛け算で三角形の面積を求めるものの、その他の積分計算や極限計算は使わないようにしました。 掛け算の記号 ( × ) を省略することと、 文字で数を表していることと、 x2=x×x と、 ルート ( xx×x=x となる正の数 ) がわかれば中学校あるいは小学校の算数・数学で理解できると思います。

Here, we think about a circle whose radius length is 1, to make story simple. The circle is called unit circle.

Definition of the ratio of the circumferece of a circle to its diameter

Let us represent the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter as π . π meets next equation.


As for unit circle, circumference length is 2π .

Practical value of pi is known as 3.141592… .

Evaluate the area of circle with regular n-sided polygon

Let’s think inscribed regular n-sided polygon and circumscribed regular n-sided polygon. ( n3 )

Now, divide regular n-sided polygon to 2n right-angled triangles to calculate the area.

inscribed regular 14-sided polygon and circumscribed regular 14-sided polygon divided into 28 right-angled triangles

Then, pick up one right-angled triangle and define x,y as the following.

  • x : 内接正 n 角形 を分割した直角三角形の、 直角と円の中心を結ぶ辺の長さ
  • y : 内接正 n 角形 を分割した直角三角形の、 直角を通り円弧に交わる辺の長さ

このとき 外接正 n 角形 を分割した直角三角形の、 直角を通り円に接する辺の長さは 相似比から xy となります。 上の図で赤色になっている円弧の長さは、 円周 2π2n 分割した円弧なので 2π2n=πn となります。


Now, calculate the area of one triangle, and those of inscribed and circumscribed regular n-sided polygons.

The area of a triangle parted from inscribed regular n-sided polygon is 12xy , one of a triangle parted from circumscribed regular n-sided polygon is y2x .

Multiple 2n , and we can get the area of inscribed and circumscribed regular n-sided polygon.

  • inscribed n-sided regular polygon : nxy
  • circumscribed n-sided regular polygon : nyx

The area of circle is larger than inscribed n-sided polygon and smaller than circumscribed n-sided polygon, therefore the area of circle, s , meets the following inequality.


Evaluate x,y with n

We got an inequality formula of s, but we can’t calculate s yet. Then evaluate x , y with inequality.

Evaluate x

円を分割したときの、三角形の辺と円周の交点から鉛直方向に線をひきます。 すると円の直径は、鉛直方向の線により n 個に分割されます。

分割された円の直径のうち、一番端の部分、図で言う紫の部分は、 直径を単純に n 等分した 2n よりも小さいです。 そして x は半径 1 から 紫の部分を引いたものに等しいですから、


Evaluate y

y is less than the arch. The circumference of unit circle is 2π , and we divided unit circle to 2n right-angled triangles, so the arch length is 2π2n=πn . Therefore,


And y is larger than the arc of x radius circle, xπn .


x is larger than 12n , as we saw, then


From the above,


Evaluate s with n

Remove x and y from the inequality of s and evaluate s with n.


x , y の評価式から、




n が大きくなると 右辺と左辺が π に近づいていくのがわかりますね。

Calculate Circle Area

上で得られた式から、円の面積が π になりそうだということがわかります。 Confirm the area of circle is π by proof of contradiction.

Evaluate Upper Side of Circle Area

Suppose the area of unit circle is larger than π and define s=π+δ ( δ>0 ) .

As we saw, s<nπn2 . Simplify the inequality.


The inequality should true for all n , but n that is not less than 2πδ+2 doesn’t meet it (contradiction).

Therefore, the area of unit circle is not more than π .


Evaluate Lower Side of Circle Area

Suppose the area of unit circle is smaller than π and define s=πδ ( δ>0 ) .

As we saw, (12n)2π<s . Simplify the inequality.


Now, n3 , so


The inequality should true for all n , but n that is not less than 21πδπ doesn’t meet it (contradiction).

Therefore, the area of unit circle is not less than π .


From the above, πsπ , normally s=π .