Tag Archives: VBA

How to change Headings and Body Font in Microsoft Word

Here I explain how to change headings and body font in Microsoft Word. I used Microsoft Word for Mac Version 16.70.

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Excel: Move Cursor in All Sheets to Top Left

When you opened the excel file other man saved, have you thought “Why didn’t he move cursor to A1 cell” before ? Not to be thought so, conversely, I will introduce the way to move cursor in all sheets to top left, move scroll bars in all sheets to top left and activate first sheet.

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Excel: Prepare to Connect to the Database from VBA

Here’s the way to connect to the database from Excel VBA. (Excel から VBA を使わずにデータを取得・表示する方法もあります。 例: Windows, Excel: データベースから直接値を取得して表示する)

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VBA: Output file list in a directory, recursively

This is the code I frequently use.

It recursively exports file list in a directory on Microsoft Office Application, like Excel. It is written in VBA.

VBA can be written in object oriented way, but I didn’t because I had to write the code as soon as possible.

Process Flow

  1. A user clicks the button on the sheet.
  2. The program show a folder browsing dialog.
  3. User chooses the folder, then the program make the list of file in the folder.
  4. The program exports the file list onto a form (or sheet).

To Do

  • Create a module file and create the following functions.
    • get file list
    • handle folder browsing dialog
  • Create a dialog to show the result.
  • Create a button on the sheet and add function on clicking.
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