This article is the continuation article of Spring Boot with DB Migration (1 of 2).
Continue reading Spring Boot with DB Migration (2 of 2)Tag Archives: Database
Spring Boot with DB Migration (1 of 2)
Here, I write how to build application in Spring Boot with DB Migration. I use Kotlin and Harmonica, Kotlin database migration library.
Continue reading Spring Boot with DB Migration (1 of 2)MySQL: When you can’t login via PHP
When attempting to connect to MySQL using PHP, you might encounter an error like the following:
Kotlin: Database Migration – Harmonica 1.0.1
Here, I announce the new release of Kotlin db migration library, Harmonica 1.0.1.
Continue reading Kotlin: Database Migration – Harmonica 1.0.1LibreOffice: Show Database Data on Spread Sheet
I will introduce the way to show database data on spread sheet of LibreOffice Calc, using LibreOffice Base. The data you retrieve from the database onto the spread sheet can be used for any table and pivot tables. I wrote the article “Excel: Retrieve and Show Database Data” before, which shows the way to get the data onto Excel through ODBC, but LibreOffice enables us to do the same thing for free.
Continue reading LibreOffice: Show Database Data on Spread Sheet