Table of Contents
The company generating innovations in communication robot solution, SEIKATSUKAKUMEI is recruiting javascript engineers. “SEIKATSUKAKUMEI” means revolution in life.

SEIKATSUKAKUMEI LLC. started 2 years ago, 2014. It is located at Saitama prefecture, Japan, and now conducting business with Pepper in education, medical, housing and entertainment fields. They are working at all over Japan. In 2015, they got “Fuji Sankei Business Eye Revolutional Business Award 2015 – Finalist Award”.

Develop Department
2 engineers are working in SEIKATSUKAKUMEI. They develop Pepper motion, and monitor screen, server and their web site. And they are realizing robot consulting.
But they can’t do everything. Yes, they are wanting new skilled engineers. SEIKATSUKAKUMEI are recruiting skilled javascript engineers. They requires javascript skill, and motivation.
- javascript skill
- interest in new programming language, unknown businees field
- interest in developing robot application
Job of high priority
- Building javascript and NodeJS programs related to Pepper
- Generating Pepper motions
Application Form
You can apply to SEIKATSUKAKUMEI from here!
[contact-form-7 id=”2789″ title=”応募フォーム”]