Tag Archives: 000webhost

Remove Advertisement which appears on pages served with 000webhost

000webhost を使用していたら、いつのまにか Hostinger のポップアップ広告が出るようになっていました。 I removed it with the following steps.

  1. Open Cpanel in 000webhost.
  2. Click “Remove Inactivity Ads” in the “Active Tools” section.
  3. Click the button “Reset Stats”.
  4. Then the following message will appear and the popup will be deactivated.


    Inactivity Ads on Account seed.site50.net has been reset! Enjoy our services.

000webhost : prevent inserting no use additional backslash

At 000webhost, backslash is inserted where it should not be, when you insert data to database with php.

You can prevent it by adding some setting.

make magic_quotes_gpc off when you make a file “.htaccess” in the directory where you want to do it and write

You can check magic_quotes_gpc in php code by executing get_magic_quotes_gpc