In one day, I had to install VirtualBox for Android emulator. In Windows PC that I had been using, VMWare Player was working as bridge connection. So, I had to change setting of VMWare Player. And the android emulator that I installed was Genymotion.
OS: Windows 8.1
VMWare Player
Guest OS: Ubuntu 64bit (Network Adapter: Bridged)
Change Setting
After VirtualBox installation, you can’t connect to network from Ubuntu on VMWare. It is because VMWare Player struggle to make usable the virtual network adapter, that was created in VirtualBox installation, from the Guest OS.
Then, change setting of Guest OS on VMWare. On the VMWare menu bar, proceed Player, Manage and Virtual Machine Settings.
Select Network Adapter on the left side setting item list.
When it is bridged, Configure Adapters button is enable and click it.
Remove the check on VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter.
Click Ok buttons and end the setting.
When Guest OS is working, change setting is valid.
After Upgrading to Windows 10
When I upgraded my Windows 8 to Windows 10, the setting was reverted. So, turned off VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter again.
Father’s Day was coming. What would you present? My father was 55 years old.
He reduced the time of drinking. 食べる量も減った、お金はあるからそれなりのものを食べている、ケーキが特別好きなわけでもない、これといってものすごく好きなものがあるわけでもない、……。 なにを贈ればいいのかとっても悩みましたが、 I decided to present fresh fish.
What I did
Search fresh fish in Rakuten, with the keywords, “旬魚” that mean fresh and fish.
I chose pike conger, which is very famous for dishes in Kyoto.