Tag Archives: ログイン

WordPress: How to Disable Plugin

One day, my WordPress shows Sorry, your request cannot be accepted, and I can’t log in to the site. I summarized how to do in such cases.

If you got the message as I got, I recommend you to try the following. In my case, IP GEO Block plugin wqs the reason.

Continue reading WordPress: How to Disable Plugin

OpenShift: How to login with ssh

The way to login OpenShift server with ssh.

Tested Environment

  • OS: Ubuntu
  • rhc 1.38.4
  • Openshift Gear: 1 small


Register ssh public key on OpenShift Web console.

The Way to Login

Use rhc

Add OpenShift application name after rhc ssh. For example, if you use app-domain.rhcloud.com, then execute rhc ssh app.

If you have not saved authenticate token on your local machine, you will be required to input password. Authenticate token can be saved with the command rhc setup.

Use ssh

This is the way to use ssh without rhc.

Execute the ssh command on bottom right of OpenShift Web console. Or, execute rhc apps and you can find ssh item like AAAAAABBBBBCCCCCCDDDDDD@app-domain.rhcloud.com, then execute ssh command with its argument, ssh AAAAAABBBBBCCCCCCDDDDDD@app-domain.rhcloud.com.

In this way, you don’t have to input password.