Tag Archives: 無理数

Proof: Irrational numbers a , b exist that make ab rational number

Irrational numbers ( a ) , ( b ) exist that make ( a^b ) rational.

Prove with law of excluded middle and without fixing what ( a ) and ( b ) are.


Supporse ( x = sqrt{2} ^ sqrt{2} ) .

Case: ( x ) is Rational

( sqrt{2} ) is irrational, so ( a = b = sqrt{2} ) make ( a^b ) rational. ( ( sqrt{2} ) が無理数であることの証明は 証明: ( sqrt{2} ) は無理数 をご覧ください。)

Case: ( x ) is Irrational

begin{eqnarray*} sqrt{2} & = & (sqrt{2}^sqrt{2})^sqrt{2} & = & sqrt{2}^{sqrt{2} cdot sqrt{2}} & = & sqrt{2}^2 & = & 2 end{eqnarray*}

Then, ( a = x = sqrt{2}^sqrt{2} ) and ( b = sqrt{2} ) are irrational and make ( a^b ) rational.

Above all, there are irrational numbers ( a ) and ( b ) that make ( a^b ) rational.

Proof: 2 is an irrational number

Let’s assume the definition of rational numbers is known. Real numbers that are not rational are called irrational numbers.

Here, we will prove that 2 is an irrational number.

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