Using rsync instead of scp

When trying to copy files to a server using scp, and wanting to exclude a specific directory (such as cache) during the copy process, I used the following method. This was performed for an AWS EC2 instance. Since I have all the server-side code in a single Git repository, I wanted to copy only a portion of it to the server.



In the above command, a specific directory is excluded and copied to a remote machine. This creates the /home/ec2-user/app directory on the remote machine and copies the contents there.

Below is a brief explanation of the options:


This command uses remote shell to access the remote machine. It typically uses ssh as the remote shell.


The recursive option. It processes files and directories recursively, allowing for directory copying.


The common verbose option. It displays detailed information.


Specifies the remote shell to use. Here, it’s using ssh -i ~/sshkeys/key.pem to access with a private key.


Specifies files to exclude. Here, three patterns are specified.

Simple Case Command

If you just want to copy entire directories, you can use scp as follows: