There are many pentagons and hexagons in a soccer ball. Now, let’s calculate them.
Euler’s formula
On polyhedron, the following equation is valid.
(vertex count) – (edge count) + (face count) = 2
The proof of Euler’s formula is written on Think about Euler’s Formula on Polyhedron.
Now, using this formula, calculate the number of pentagons and hexagons. ( I calculated faces, etc. without Euler’s Equation on Soccer Ball and Regular Polyhedron . )
Define m as the number of pentagons, and n as one of hexagons.
On soccer ball, one vertex is common in 3 planes. So, the number of vertexes on a soccer ball is expressed as 5m+6n3, the number of edges is 5m+6n2, the number of faces is m+n .
According to Euler’s formula, the following equation is valid.
Now, calculate the above equation and get the value of m .
On a soccer ball, one pentagon neighbors 5 hexagons, and one hexagons neighbors 3 pentagons. Then, ( n ) is calculated as the following.
From the above, the number of hexagons is 10, and the number of pentagons is 20.
You can calculate them with Descartes theorem. I wrote it on Proof of Descartes Theorem.
The shape of Fullerene, C60, is the same as soccer ball. Let’s check whether the number of vertexes is 60.
Euler’s formula is explained in the following book.