Here, I introduce the way to show the database records in Excel directly. In this article, I’ll show you the way using ODBC connection. (There are other ways.)
Continue reading Windows, Excel: Connect Database Directly and Show the DataTag Archives: Excel
(日本語) Excel: ピボットテーブルで平均を計算する
LibreOffice Calc: Retrieve Substring from String in Formula
I introduce the way to retrieve substring from string in LibreOffice Calc formula. This way can be also applied for Microsoft Office Excel.
Continue reading LibreOffice Calc: Retrieve Substring from String in Formula(日本語) LibreOffice Calc: 文字列を数値として扱う
VBA: Output file list in a directory, recursively
This is the code I frequently use.
It recursively exports file list in a directory on Microsoft Office Application, like Excel. It is written in VBA.
VBA can be written in object oriented way, but I didn’t because I had to write the code as soon as possible.
Process Flow
- A user clicks the button on the sheet.
- The program show a folder browsing dialog.
- User chooses the folder, then the program make the list of file in the folder.
- The program exports the file list onto a form (or sheet).
To Do
- Create a module file and create the following functions.
- get file list
- handle folder browsing dialog
- Create a dialog to show the result.
- Create a button on the sheet and add function on clicking.